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Research opportunities are always available in my lab. Students will work closely with a graduate mentor and me on one of several ongoing projects in the laboratory. If you are interested in undergraduate research opportunities in my lab or would like to know more, please feel free to send me an EMAIL or stop by my office in SB C030.

For Prospective graduate students: My expertise and research interests are in plant responses to biotic stresses. Students are expected to have a background in plant physiology and either entomology or plant pathology. They will be required to take classes and receive training in those areas.
The limiting factor for accepting students in my lab is funding, both for tuition and stipend. At CSU the University charges the faculty more for international students, this the competition is higher. International students with funding from their home countries are encouraged to apply.
If you are interested in M.S. or Ph.D. research, please email me at In your email, briefly describe your background, major research interests, and why you are interested in working in my lab. Please do not copy text from my website into your email. Inquiries highlighting a specific research project or a paper published by my lab will receive attention. Additional information can be found HERE.
Additionally, I can take students from across-departmental graduate group: Program in Molecular Plant Biology.
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